Monday, January 26, 2009


I hate being sick. I've had this terrible cough for around two weeks. It's horrid. I can barely breathe, let alone talk or sing. And that's killing me. <_< I want to sing along with my music.

There's a beautiful video that I've fallen in love with. It's a Harry Potter vid about Ron set to the song Zero by Hawk Nelson. It's just gorgeous. I'll post it here.
Zero- Ron Dies

It's so good.

I've also been listening to a few other songs and videos a lot. Orchard of Mines for one. I absolutely adore it. It's gorgeous!

Um... other than that... I've been really busy with stuff so I'm hardly ever around to talk to people. It really sucks. Even now I have to go again.

Bye y'all! No galu govad gen!

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